Lac de Tibériade - traduzione in Inglese
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Lac de Tibériade - traduzione in Inglese

Lac de Tibériade         
Kinneret, Sea of Galilee, large lake in northeastern Israel
lac de Tibériade         
Sea of Galilee, large lake in northeast Israel through which the Jordan river flows


·noun ·Alt. of Lakh.
II. Lac ·noun A resinous substance produced mainly on the banyan tree, but to some extent on other trees, by the Coccus lacca, a scale-shaped insect, the female of which fixes herself on the bark, and exudes from the margin of her body this resinous substance.


Lac de Tibériade
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Lac de Tibériade
1. Un mystagogue pręchant sur les rives du lac de Tibériade.
2. La vallée du Jourdain sétend sur quelque 150 km depuis le lac de Tibériade, au Nord, jusquŕ la mer Morte, au Sud.